Thursday, December 10, 2015


Ok, ok maybe you don't know what i'm talking about. So let me make it more clear for you.

In the past few days I was really busy making these graphics:

It was really a challenge for me cause I haven't done any graphics in a really long time and I kinda got bored of them.

So let me tell you the story of the first graphic.

A couple of days ago I posted a picture on StardollChat of an older graphic of mine that i've made like a year ago:

And then Leandra a.k.a Just a Mirfanda (Facebook_Freak7 on Stardoll) Told me that she wants a graphic and she's willing to pay me for it.

Of course I accepted because I never made graphics for a price actually, I only did them for myself or as gifts to my friends.

So we talked about it on Facebook and that's the first picture that she sent me:

The first thought was that the pocket and the bag may be a little too hard for me to do, so I accepted only with the condition of changing them, she accepted.

The next day I started working on it, and kept posting spoilers on SDC for Leandra and the others. 

I got really REALLY surprised by how many people liked my work. I found happiness on making graphics again, and a few people suggested that I should send Stardoll my graphic when I finish it so they are gonna use it for something, and I was like "Is my work really that good? Wow xD"


 Sadly I forgot to add my username, hope they're gonna see it in the picture... xD

I am soo happy with how it turned out, that I couldn't just not make a second graphic you know? :)

This is the original picture of the second graphic:

I am in love with both of them and I can't wait to make more! These are some pictures that I want to turn into graphics in the future:

See you guys next time!

Love, Luiza